October 27, 2005

A Bellicose Weevil Woman Goes to her Reward

I just found out this morning that one of the most fascinating women in the blogworld has passed away. Heather Bare, known to most of you as MommaBear, was quite a character, and I am proud to say she was a member in good standing of the odd little world of the Axis of Weevil. Here is the post from when she was inducted (along with Miss Meryl) back in January of 2003. One quote in particular says about as much about her as anything probably will--

I have two side-arms that are my 'carry guns'...tools...all the rest are my "toys", although they require a hell of a lot of care when handling!!

I really am 68...well, the chassis is, but I know I'm still only 43, which was one of my best years! So there!!

Indeed so.

All our best to her family.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at October 27, 2005 08:46 AM