October 12, 2005

Well, crap.

I came in with a load of work, but thought it might be worth it to see what all's going on out in the ether, and so after answering some e-mails, I clicked over to Instapundit and saw this link.

I've never met Rob, so all I know of him is what he writes about himself. Loud, crude, profane, given to fits of drunkeness and fornication--but a better man than many I've met who would never utter a single "damn" in conversation.


Well, if I know him like I think I do, it's because I know that if I found myself stranded by the road and he drove by, he'd help me. If I needed money, he'd tell me to get off my butt and work for a living. And then probably hire me to cut his grass or something. If I needed help in a fight, he'd be there. (Now whether he'd be the one to help drag me outside and put me in the car, or the one to call the ambulance, I'm not sure, but I know he'd help somehow.) And despite his predilection for dangling his bait in many ponds, I know that I could leave my wife in his care and not have to worry about what might happen, because he is an honorable fellow. Many things he might be, but a thief (whether of property or flesh) isn't one of them. And I also know he's not a racist--despite how desperately some people hate him for his insistence on judging people on the content of their character, rather than on the color of their skin. And he loves his mama, as any true Southern man does.

I'm not sure what the proper etiquette for such a circumstance would be, not ever having said goodbye to a dying man whom I don't really know as well as I should, given how much I think I know about him. But I do know what we say around here after we've been visiting and it's time to head home.

Y'all come see us.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at October 12, 2005 10:50 AM

Yeah, I saw that too. I had Rob on my blogroll for a long time, then grew tired of his constant griping. I did still keep going back though to see what he had to say.

And all you have to say about him in this post goes double for me. He's honorable in his own way and he loves his children and mama. He can't be all bad!

Posted by: Nate at October 12, 2005 11:25 AM

Yes, he does complain about everything, but it's entertaining complaining. In a way, a bit like Kim du Toit, except without as much firepower in the house.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 12, 2005 11:43 AM

Looking back on it, I think I got to Possumblog via Gut Rumbles through Instapundit. So in a way, Rob is responsible for the bits of blather I inflict on the blogosphere.

Posted by: Larry Anderson at October 12, 2005 12:53 PM

Whew--I'm just glad you didn't try to pin that on me!

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 12, 2005 01:39 PM

If I recall the events correctly, I emailed you a couple of really intelligent remarks (back before comments) and you said a person of my astute insights belonged on the web. At least I think you said I belonged on the web. It could have been somewhere else I belonged. It has been three years after all.

Posted by: Larry Anderson at October 12, 2005 02:15 PM

Well, I still think it's best to blame Rob. Or Glenn Reynolds, who, as we know, puts puppies in blenders.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 12, 2005 02:20 PM

I blame Terry, among others, for mine own drivel-spouting

Posted by: Anymostusest at October 12, 2005 04:14 PM

Whoa, now, Yuan--you can't blame me for that! Can't we all just agree to blame France?

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 12, 2005 04:17 PM

No, Terry, because it is imperative that we blame a man. Clearly, this rules France out.

Posted by: Lenise at October 13, 2005 02:56 PM

Then in that case I say we blame Karl Rove.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 13, 2005 03:06 PM

There's always my husband, too. ;)

Posted by: Lenise at October 13, 2005 09:02 PM

I BLAME PAUL! There now, I feel much better.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 14, 2005 08:22 AM