September 29, 2005

What if you had a meeting, and no one showed up?

WOO-HOOOO!! that's what.

For some reason, the meeting this morning fell apart--and it wasn't even supposed to be the big fat hairy meeting I thought it was supposed to be, only a PRE-BFH meeting. So, I sat in there at the conference table with two other guys as we mutally pondered where everyone else was. After a while, it became obvious that no one else either a) remembered, b) cared, or c) both A and B.

SO IT'S OVER! Until tomorrow, when the actual BFH occurs, when I will once again go through this whole spiel about not wanting to go to that meeting.

BUT NOW, I can PLAY! Well, sorta. I do have other actual work to do, too. Lots of typing and mindless regulating to be done, you know.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 29, 2005 09:58 AM