Insanely so. But never too busy to help someone who has stumbled into Possumblog searching for answers to the riddles of life. Or, something such as--What does it mean when you have a burning sensation in your toes.
Our researchers have been poring over all the available data, and it appears that this is a symptom brought on by standing in the campfire. Our staff physician, Newly Fourdreaux, PhrD., states that he counsels patients not to stand in fire.
If you want advice from someone other than a doctor of phrenology, you might want to look at this page from the Mayo Clinic (mmm--love their creamy sandwich spread!) that describes the symptoms of Morton's neuroma, metatarsalgia, and peripheral neuropathy.
Or, you know, go see a doctor.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 20, 2005 11:58 AMOr, as a famous sage is reported to have commented under similar circumstances, "ooh, ooh, ma biscuits are burnin'!"
Posted by: skinnydan at September 20, 2005 03:12 PMIf I could only be so wise as he...
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at September 20, 2005 04:22 PM