September 13, 2005


Yes, I know everyone gets junk like this--I get hundreds every week. But this one was just too precious not to mock. Added points for it coming to my work e-mail.

From: Coleen Fritz [mailto:gfischervfmz@******.com]

Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:03 AM
To: Oglesby, Terry
Subject: Don't miss Your chance! Subscribe now!


My name is John Doe and i'm the head of hiring department of well-known German electronics company.

We are looking for people who can help us in one matter.

Don't waste your chance - become an employee of world-known company and earn good money.

Be hurry,number of positions is limited, if you ask us today tomorrow you will receive answer.

If you are interested contact us by e-mail:

Heh. Well, okay, if you insist--here is my reply:


MY name is John SMITH and i'm am the very president and Cheif Exectutive of a large and well-known city government.

I belive i am the person for YOU to help handling in one matter!

I do not want to waist my chance today! Becauce i want to earn good money! I i'm being in hurry to here back now not tomoorow from you because, both Miss Colon Fritz and Mr. John DOE, because i know number of positins is limiting!

I look forwardly to hereing from you back again to learn what i will be doing for you in your comapines.

Yours very friendly,
John SMITH, Pres. CE

And yes, obviously I sent this back through the way it came, not to the address the person(s) requested. This should be as good as the Mr.s HANJI SAL series.


Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 13, 2005 11:29 AM