September 09, 2005

Yet another traffic-induced late start...

Grr. Danged rubberneckers.

And danged comment spammers, too. Came in this morning expecting the usual 4 or 5 overnight comments, and had nearly 40, all spam. Does this really work, spam people? I mean, I understand the volume idea--if only .001% of the 50,000,000 messages you send out get a bite, that's pretty good. But isn't there an easier, more pleasant way to steal from people?

Anyway, in a minute, I am going to say some more bad things, this time about the fair citizens of Ohio. Or rather, their license plates.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 9, 2005 08:37 AM

Ohioans are are in danger here since their license plates look like diplomat plates. I suspect they're in more danger in NY City where they would be associated with the UN.

Posted by: steevil (Dr Weevil's bro Steve) at September 9, 2005 09:58 AM

Slippery slope warning!

Once you start with Ohio, you simply must continue with, oh, say Michigan. Or Missouri. And how about Wisconsin? And *shudder* Canada. Tennessee, even, much as I hate to say it.

Mark my words, there'll be no end to it.

Posted by: James, LOPM at September 9, 2005 09:59 AM

Tennessee's plate makes it really hard to read the middle two letters, but at least we don't have a happy smiley sun face like Kentucky.

Alaska's old yellow plate with the Dipper on it and Arizona's old maroon plate with a saguaro are my favorites. I hate that states have to go changing their plates all the time. Hmph.

Posted by: Jordana at September 9, 2005 10:02 AM

Slippery slope or not, I simply must address this affront to my retinas.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at September 9, 2005 10:39 AM

Sorry to disctract from the vital bumper adornments discussion, but...

Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spammity spam, wonderful spam.

You may now continue.

Posted by: skinnydan at September 9, 2005 10:50 AM

Spam is very good for making slopes slippery.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at September 9, 2005 10:54 AM

If I had some of you guys' Photoshop skills, I'd simply create a license plate that shows a can of SPAM on it--thus combining two major issues into one. It could be a plate for, oh, who knows? DC?

Posted by: Stan at September 9, 2005 11:22 AM

Well, Stan, you could start with this.

Or for those who are opposed, this.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at September 9, 2005 11:36 AM

Hey Terry, those tags are pretty cool. I'd pick the SPAM H8R one myself. I might have known someone would have already thought of that.

Posted by: Stan at September 9, 2005 11:51 AM

Oh, come now, Stan--it's only chopped pork shoulder and ham. It's very tasty and nutritious! And it even comes with gelatin!

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at September 9, 2005 12:07 PM