August 12, 2005

Wanna hear something humorously peculiar?

I’ve mentioned before the brother of the girl who lives next door to us. Girl Neighbor gave Brother her old car (the poor Mazda 323 sedan that he has “customized” to pieces), and now that he's free to roam, no matter what time of the day or night we leave to go somewhere, we see him burning up the roads. EVERYwhere. ANYtime. You know that’s pretty much all he does, or else you wouldn’t see him so much.

Well, I’ve also mentioned before that there’s a guy who “works” here who I will see out walking when I go to lunch. Or if I have to go do some research at the library. Or get something from the county courthouse. Or if I’m driving back from a meeting. He’s always out walking, all times of the day, every day. Obviously, the odds of a chance meeting every once in a while are pretty good, but when you see someone like that ANY time you go out, you pretty much figure all he does during the day is walk around downtown, doing some serious work avoidance.

I call him Walking Guy.

Anyway, as I walking back out of the junkyard yesterday, guess who I saw coming in.


There was Walking Guy, dirty clothes, hat on head, pushing a wheelbarrow with the same intense, expressionless, dead look on his face as when he’s out walking.

I wonder if I’ll have to start calling him Driving Man?

Posted by Terry Oglesby at August 12, 2005 12:04 PM