Posted by Terry Oglesby at August 9, 2005 09:33 AMThat's extremely cool. More companies should do this. I have an ongoing irritation with Barnes and Noble, for example, which advertises itself as a WiFi haven -- but it turns out that you can only access their system with a T-Mobile account. You can sign up for one on the spot, but it still means you're paying for something somewhere. And Marriott recently earned my ire when I discovered on a business trip that the nearly $200 a night for the room wasn't sufficient to afford me free Internet access, WiFi or otherwise. The sign-up cost was $9.95 per day. The manager was somewhat discomfited when I pointed out that the Super 8 motel I stayed in while traveling cross-country had managed to provide me free Internet access for a mere $59 per night.
OK, you touched a nerve.
Posted by: Grouchy Old Yorkie Lady at August 9, 2005 09:56 AMIt does seem a bit preposterous that the fancy pants hotels seem to think no one will notice such things. But then again, there's a reason that they put bottle of water in the room and charge ten bucks for them--they know somewhere, somebody's gonna buy it. It does't really cost them anything to make it available, but they cash in big on suckers. Or people who don't know how to drain the bottle and refill it without it being obvious.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 9, 2005 10:16 AMIn China, they give you TWO free bottles of water in your room. But that's because you can't drink the vile pond muck that comes out of the tap. Or brush your teeth with it.
Come to think of it, if you do drink the water, the effects are not unlike eating too many Krystals.
Posted by: skillzy at August 9, 2005 10:41 AMHmm. Might have to put that trip to Mongolia on hold for a while...
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 9, 2005 10:46 AMIIRC Crystal's are the version of White Castle that can't or won't use the real name. But then a slider is a slider. Up here in North New Orleans on Lyndale Ave and 36th St there is a original White Castle building from the early 20's I think, it's now a jewelry shop and it's a joy to look at.
Posted by: Tony von Krag at August 9, 2005 05:42 PMThey are similar in size and makeup to a White Castle, although I have seen a few folks who've tried both and swear White Castle is better. Seems like it would be hard to tell.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 11, 2005 08:03 AM