June 17, 2005

In what has become an annual ritual...

...I just stepped outside to go see how the preparations for City Stages are going, grab a bite of overpriced greasy food, and see if I could spot any local television newswomen.

Preparations--well, something's missing this year, and I couldn't quite figure it out until it occurred to me that things are very peaceful outside my window. For the past several years, I've had to endure an eight hour soundcheck booming down below me, but this year? Nothing. The stage is all set up, and there are several boxes of junk down there, but it's all being watched by a lone chubby guy in a lawn chair, not the usual crew of sweating roadies. I'm not complaining, though.

Food--the usual assortment of funnel cake and mystery meat vendors were going strong. Who knew salt, fat, sugar, and starch could be so expensive? Anyway, since I was out there, I felt obliged to patronize one of the booths. I suppose there's also the challenge to see if I can get the old cholesterol reading to break the four digit mark.

Local celebrities--yet another disappointing year. I suppose they all run and hide when they aren't on camera. Not that I can blame them.

Anyway, all of you be sure to go and let me know how it was. I would attend myself, because you all know how much I love being pressed together with throngs of sweaty strangers, but unfortunately, I'm just not going to be able to make it this year.

Just like the preceding 15 years.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 17, 2005 12:57 PM