June 17, 2005

Say, remember to vote!

Al.com's poll about the best Batman actor is up, and as I said yesterday, since I stole Matt's thunder by making it part of the Thursday Three, you have to be sure to go and vote in his poll, too. (Oops--sorry about the wrong link.)

Right now, Michael Keaton is at an astonishing 100%. This might have something to do with the fact that I was apparently the first vote this morning. And no, this does NOT mean I am bored!

Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 17, 2005 09:30 AM

Umm Terry, the link is not quite right.

But I did vote!

Posted by: Sarah G. at June 17, 2005 09:52 AM

Eek. Sorry about that!

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 17, 2005 10:00 AM