April 08, 2005

Fun With Referrer Logs!

One of the bad things that having something to record visits is that sometimes you get hits based upon something stupid you misspelled. It's always annoying to me, because I like for stuff to be spelled more or less right. So, occasionally, I do get stuff like this: make youself incontinent.

Possumblog was grabbed for this odd request because in a long ago post, I misspelled "yourself," and left out the R. The nice thing is that when stuff like this comes up, I can at least go back and fix the typo. Which I did.

BUT, as for the query at hand. I must say I find this a disturbing thing to want to do. Who would want to be incontinent? Remember, as a very wise man once said, "no man is an island."

So, always try to be a continent.



Oh. OH!

Well, then, that's even more disturbing.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at April 8, 2005 10:03 AM