April 08, 2005

And Speaking of the Wendy Garner Show--

This morning after the network NBC coverage ended, Miss Wendy (and other people, I suppose) from the local station was doing the second stop in the station's new Friday feature where they visit towns around the area, and this morning they were in IRONDALE! Right next door to Trussville!

I was all excited, and thought I might be able to swing by and bother her while she was on the air, but she and Ken Lass were inside the theater at Shades Valley High School, and I have a feeling they wouldn't have looked kindly to some big doof showing up on their doorstep screaming, "HEY! I WANNA BE ON TH' TEE-VEE!"


Oh well. One day she'll come to Trussville, I just know it!

(As an interesting aside, the new Shades Valley High was one of the last projects I worked on before I moved on to this job. It was not as much fun as one would expect.)

Posted by Terry Oglesby at April 8, 2005 08:40 AM

So, let's imagine this scenario. You go see the delightful Ms. Garner. Get on TV. Miz Reba happens to turn on the set while you're on. The following dialogue takes place:

WG: Why, look everybody, there's Terry from Possumblog! You know, that really great Blog where he talks about how crazy his family is.
TO: Umm, hi. I think you're neat
MR: Possumblog? W..W..W..P..O..S..S..

No badgers on the morning show, either.

Posted by: skinnydan at April 8, 2005 08:51 AM

Heh--Dan, I think I would have to be more worried about my mom-in-law, who is at home and watches the show every day. Although, there is a giant screen television right outside Reba's office door at the nursing home, and you never know WHO might be watching that! Luckily, she doesn't have a computer at work, so no snooping.

AND, I can always claim it's one of the other Terry Oglesbys in town.

I got a message on our answering machine last night from some young girl at the Movie Gallery in McCalla (way over on the entirely other side of the county) "Um, hi? Um, I'm not sure if this is the right person? Um, but this is [unintelligble] at the Movie Gallery? In McCalla? And um, we show you having a movie checked out? And it's, um, due now? Andweneedyoutobringthatin! OH! And, if this isn't the right number, could you update your information?" ::blink::blink::

I called them back and informed them that there are two other Terry Oglesbys in town, and TWO of them live right there in McCalla, and it's probably one of them who has the overdue movie.

And probably one of them who writes this mess, too.

Posted by: Terry O at April 8, 2005 09:04 AM

Oh, that'll get you off the hook. I bet those other Terrys also have four kids with the same names and foibles. Presumably they also work for the gummint. And they all look identical to the pictures you've put up.

Yep, you're safe all right.

PS Count this as today's non-remembered personal information complaint

Posted by: skinnydan at April 8, 2005 09:14 AM

Well, at some point in the family tree, we ARE probably related. I do know that one of them also has a sister named Teresa, just like I do.

As for the non-remembered information complaint, my humble and abject apologies. I just wish I could remember who you are.

Posted by: Terry O. at April 8, 2005 09:21 AM

I’m having trouble remembering who I am.

Posted by: jim at April 8, 2005 09:38 AM


Posted by: Terry O. at April 8, 2005 09:42 AM